I'm sitting here with the intention of writing something positive. Whats distracting about this is the fact I have to tell myself to be cheerful. I question what happiness really is in life.
If it's all just chemical reactions in our brains, then there are plenty of drugs and other things that can be used to stimulate that. But when you break down the human psychology what is happiness?
I can't really complain at the moment. Well I could. However it's pointless, being I can see a solution in each of my problems so what is there to truly worry about?
I remember Will used to want to find the ultimate high. He was so interested in drugs, from an intellectual standpoint as well as recreational. I always wanted to find personal Nirvana. My own state of mind where I could complete the things I wanted accomplished, be with the people I loved, and find personal serenity in simple day to day tasks.
I started by beginning to appreciate less
noticeable parts of life a few years back. But it wasn't until I had nothing that I truly understood what they
meant to me.
For instance, socks without holes in them. Seems silly right? Well for me it's a luxury I don't always have. If I want to paint I have to think in only a few colors, I can't afford to buy new paints as I once did. However it makes going to the arts supply store so much more rewarding.
I prefer to take my coffee with half and half. I can only afford milk so in the few times I get it, it's almost a treat.
I really enjoy my life this way though. There were times when I had less
finacial responsibility and more income and was so miserable I had nothing else to do but watch myself spend money on things I would forget about within a week.
No one really has gifted me before either. My Mother and Stepfather would usually buy me new clothes for my birthday and at Christmas I would receive clothing and usually one gift that was not something of necessity. My father would ask every year what I wanted. It was so impersonal I just started to ask for cash instead. Will never could really give much, and he tried very hard to at least give something when he could. Last Christmas was my first in a cold climate. I was completely unprepared. All my socks were thin, my coats were old, I didn't have gloves for a while, it was unpleasant to say the least. I had gotten Dom a hat from his favorite store because I remembered he had lost his. The place was stupid expensive, but I was just so happy that this was a thoughtful gift, that he did love. I received lingerie from him. I was a little hurt by this. He knew very well of my situation and chose to get a gift that was really more for himself than me.
Anyway, so I'm honestly not used to receiving gifts. In any form. Even the smallest things being handed to me take such a hold on my heart. Sometimes I'm so taken aback by it that I don't even know how to vocalize my appreciation.
So when someone gives you happiness, how do you say "Thank You"?